New number received from: BULLETIN HISPANIQUE 2011 (Volume 113 nº2. December 2011)

Summary of this issue:



*Interactions of the song "Of knowledge of oneself", attributed by Fray Luis de León, and three Latin poems by Benito Arias Montano. Antonio Davila Perez

*The novel in the Literary Memorial (1784-1808). Towards the configuration of a critical model. Maria Jesus Garcia Garrosa

*On the last paths of creation: the "Story Projects" by Pedro Salinas. Natalia Ferrero

* The Nordic Andalusianism of Luis Cernuda. Miguel Angel Garcia

*Metamorphosis and identity in the autobiographical writing of María Casares. Angels Ezama Gil 


*Proposed fiscal reading of the Lazarillo de Tormes. Susana Camps Perarnau

*Insult and social exclusion. Something else about the controversy between Cervantes and Lope. Javier Salazar Rincon

*The translation au Siècle d'Or: une pratique qui s'hérite. He married the Aguilar family. Helene Rabaey

* All the fires of the twilight: time and memory in Antonio Machado. Christian Manso

* Poetry, history and myth: the theme of death in Antonio Machado and Federico García Lorca. Luis Galvan

*Politique éditoriale et politique de reading peuvent-elles fonder une légitimité littéraire? About the poetic anthologies dans l'Espagne du XX siècle. Claude Le Bigot 


* Calderón's comedy: social discourse and poetic wisdom (Adrián J. Sáez). G. Gunter

*The poetic canon in the XNUMXth century, PASO group (Nadine Ly). Begoña López Bueno (ed.)

*Discourse on how to write and improve the history of Spain. Foreword by François Lopez (Victoria López-Cordón Cortezo). John Paul Forner

*Selected articles, foreword and compilation by Amelia de Paz (Jacques Issorel). John Joseph Domechina

*Fable of Equis and Zeda, Mexico, Alcancía, 1932 [fac-similé of the première edition], (Jacques Issorel). Gerard Diego

*Fable of the explorer and the professor (Jacques Issorel). Juan Manuel Diaz de Guereñu

*Maria Luisa Elio Bernal. Life as nostalgia and exile (Bernard Sicot). Eduardo Mateo Gambarte

* Les Antigones contemporaines (from 1945 to our days), (Bernard Sicot). Rose Duroux and Stephanie Urdician 

Previous summaries in Dialnet

See summary in BOC

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