The collection in use

“Trilogy of Solitude” by Juan José Millás

“This sixth novel by Millás once again gains strength heading the Solitude Trilogy; trilogy that is complemented by two other works that are equally successful and full of substance, such as Solitude was this and Returning home.”

Taken from Book magazine.

See also:

The selected titles are a sample of the recently loaned International Institute Library materials.

If you are interested in seeing or reading this recommendation, you can check its availability in the IIE library catalog.

Trilogy of loneliness / Juan José Millás. — Madrid: Alfaguara, DL 1996. — 457 p. ; 24cm

Contains: The disorder of your name; Loneliness was this; Back home

DL M 14990-1996 — ISBN 84-204-8330-3

PQ 6663.I46 T75 1996

R. 77584