New number received from: BULLETIN HISPANIQUE 2012 (Volume 114, nº1. June 2012)


Summary of this issue:


*Aurora Egido, The humanistic dignity of writing.

*Santiago Francisco Pena, Tridentine agencies in the Philippine Salamanca. The case of the Brozas, 1584-1600

*Jean Pierre Tardieu, Du “Prêtre Jean” au Négus d´Abyssinie. La vision espagnole de l'Éthiopie aux XVI et XVII siècles.

*Ignatius Arellano, Song 162 in the Burguillos rhymes, by Lope de Vega. Its two versions and some interpretation difficulties.

*Fernando Mikelarena Pena, The unexpected political and institutional trajectory of a neoclassical playwright. About Cristóbal María Cortés y Vitas.

*Gabriel Sanchez Espinosa, The booksellers Ángel Corradi and Antoine Boudet, and the importation of French books for the San Fernando Academy.

*Ivan Perez Daniel, The city and its lawyers. Representations of the intellectual and power in The argon shot by Juan Villoro.

*Virginia Trueba Mira, A death of light that consumes me: María Zambrano in the mirror of Federico García Lorca.

*Mario Martin Gijon, Production of presence and prophetic self-representation. Notes on the poetry of the front about Village wind /1937) by M. Hernandez.

*Nicole Delbecque, Lise Van Gorp, become and become as pseudo-copulative links: two ways of conceiving change in Spanish.

*Hilde Hanegreefs and Jorge Fernández Jaén, Conceptualization of light in verbs derived from lumen.



*Raphael Ramos, From Francisco to Marco Antonio Aldana passing through Gaspar Gil Polo.

*Alvaro A. Ayo, Parody and innovation in the first stage of the work of Pérez de Ayala (1902-1913).

*Aagje Monballieu, The Hellenistic vocation of Julio Cortázar. His readings and his classical training in Mariano Acosta (1929-1936).

*Susana Rodríguez Rosique and Luis Bagué Quílez, Verso y verso: pragmatic theory of irony and humor in contemporary Spanish poetry.

*Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego Reception of golden classics in contemporary Spanish poetry: the survival of Garcilaso de la Vega in the work of Luis García Montero.



*Luis Pablo Nunez, The art of Words. Dictionaries and printing in the Golden Age (Marie-Helène Maux-Piovano)

*Andrés Sánchez Robayna (ed.),Literature and territory. Towards a geography of literary creation in the Golden Age. (Maria del Carmen Garcia Martin)

*Rafael Bonilla Cerezo (ed.), XNUMXth century short stories (Fernando Rodriguez Mansilla)

*Dolores Thion Soriano-Mollá (ed.), Nature in Spanish Literature. (Daniel Henri Pageaux)

*Jean-Louis Guereña, Julio Ruiz Berrio and Alejandro Tiana Ferrer (eds.), New historiographical views on education in Spain in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries. (Marie-Hélène Soubeyroux)

*Jacques Isoorel, Fernando Villalón: the pike and the pen (Giovanni Caravaggi)

*Rafael Alarcon, A traveling frog. The chronicles and travel books of Julio Camba (Camba in fifteen lessons) (Antonio Martin Ezpeleta)

*Gabriele Morelli (ed.), Unpublished letters on Miguel Hernández (1961-1971) between Dario Puccini and Josefina Manresa (jacques isorel)

*Christine Peres, Les jeux de la création et de la réception dans le roman mosaic. Reading of Sepharad d'Antonio Muñoz Molina (Jean Alsina)

*Alexis Grohman and Maarten Steenmeijer (eds.), There where one would say that there can be nothing. Your face tomorrow by Javier Marias. (Genevieve Champeau)

*Almudena Grandes, The frozen heart (Maria del Mar Lopez-Cabrales)

*Ouvrages reçus par le Hispanic Bulletin


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