New number received from: BULLETIN OF THE FREE INSTITUTION OF EDUCATION (II Period, nº 87-88. December 2012)


Summary of this issue:


Malaspina 2010 expedition: exploring the largest ecosystem on the planet. Carlos M Duarte

Five centuries circumnavigating the planet. Francisco Jose Gonzalez

The Malaspina Expedition (1789-1794). Exploring the coasts of America, Asia and Oceania. Andres Galera

Impact of global change on the ocean. Susana Agusti

Chronicle of a global science. saints married

Juan Roura-Parella and the Institución Libre de Enseñanza: a life in the Ginerian shadow. Conrad Vilanou Torrano

Institutionalists in Bologna: Manuel Bartolomé Cossío and the Colegio de San Clemente. Carlos Nieto Sanchez

The quadrature of the circle. Spanish national opera through the critics of Adolfo Salzar. Adele Dams


Tribute from the City Council of San Vicente de la Barquera to Julián de Zulueta

Course on planning and architecture

New edition of the Training Course for Free Time Monitors

Inauguration of the VII edition of the Master in Intellectual Property

Fifth conference for Spanish teachers

Inauguration in Villablino (León) of the UNED course 2012-2013

Fifth Conference Archiving

Seminar The Constitution of 1812, foundation of the liberal Golden Age

Federico Romero (1951-2012), in memoriam

Sierra-Pambley Foundation, 125 years of institutionalism in León

reading celebration

In memory of Isaac Diaz Pardo

Works at the headquarters of the Sierra-Pambley Foundation


Martín Gaite and Benet: the rules of a game (on Juan Benet, Essays on uncertainty and Carmen Martín Gaite/Juan Benet, Correspondence). Jose-Carlos Mainer

Eduardo Iáñez: Don't stop until you conquer. Falangist cultural political propaganda: the Escorial group, from the occupation of the New State to posterity (1936-1986). Nicholas Sesma 

Previous summaries in Dialnet.

See available numbers in the library.