New number received from: Current Spanish Linguistics (v. XXXIV nº1. Year 2012)

Summary of this issue:

MORILLO-VELARDE PÉREZ, RAMÓN: Economy and Linguistics: the value in and of the Spanish language

FUENTES RODRÍGUEZ, CATALINA: On the grammaticalization of discursive operators, how could it be otherwise

RODRÍGUEZ ROSIQUE, SUSANA: Evaluation and escalation in embodied denial: discovering dis–

BUENAFUENTES DE LA MATA, CRISTINA and SÁNCHEZ LANCIS, CARLOS: Methodological proposals for the lexicographic treatment of spelling and morphology based on the latest academic works

GÓMEZ SEIBANE, SARA: Language contact and word order: OV/VO in the Spanish of the Basque Country

CONGOSTO MARTÍN, YOLANDA: Languages ​​in contact and prosody. Spanish intonation in Mexican-American bilingual speakers


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