Featured news of the week
Millennium: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo directed by David Fincher
“The journalist in low hours Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) accepts the invitation of the Swedish industrialist Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer) to secretly investigate the murder of his niece, which occurred forty years ago. Meanwhile, tattooed hacker Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara), hired to investigate Blomkvist, uncovers the truth behind the conspiracy that led to his downfall. Bound together by chance, the curious duo uncover a secret history of murder and sexual abuse hidden in Sweden's industrial past, as they grow closer to an evil plot that hopes to destroy them both."
Taken from Fnac
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(The) MEN who did not love women [DVD] = The girl with the dragon tattoo / directed by David Fincher. — The girl with the dragon tattoo. — Barcelona: RBA magazines, cop. 2012.
1 DVD (ca. 152 min.) : son., col. ; 1 booklet (64 p.).
Based on the first installment of the "Millennium" trilogy, written by Stieg Larsson. — Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer. — United States, 2011. — The journalist in low hours Mikel Blomkvist (Daniel Graig) accepts the invitation of the Swedish industrialist Henrik Vanger (Christopher Plummer) to secretly investigate the murder of his niece, which occurred forty years ago. — Not recommended for children under 16 years of age. — Languages: English, Spanish; Subtitles: English (Speak up subtitles), Spanish.
DL B-24.775-1985
1. Thriller movies. 2. Criminal cinema. I. Title: The girl with yhe dragon tattoo. II. Fincher, David. III. Craig, Daniel. IV. Rooney, Mary. V. Plummer Christopher (1927-). SAW. Donations – IIE English Department.
ZW .F56 G57 2011
R. 201162472
R. 201162473