New issue received from: ANNALS OF HISPANIC-AMERICAN LITERATURE (vol. 42 2012)


Summary of this issue:


Luis Sainz de Medrano Arce


Presentation: The Chronicle of the Indies, crossing genres Esperanza Lopez Parada, Evangelina Soltero Sanchez 

“All coherence lost”: the discovery of America in the “European crisis of conscience”  Bernat Castany Prado 

“It was a Costa Brava and a bad country on land”: walkers and navigators in the northwest of New Spain PDF  Jimena N. Rodriguez 

Literature validates action: fictional genres in the historiographical prose of Bernal Díaz del Castillo Gloria Chicote 

“In the place of the inveterate prickly pears”: Tenochtitlan in the mestizo chronicles Valeria Anon 

The colonial policy in the works of the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega and Guaman Poma de Ayala  Mercedes Serna Aranaiz 


A conflictive friendship: José Santos Chocano and Rubén Darío Gunther Schmigalle 

Queen Mab: archetypal pattern of Darian poetics Mariam Bourhan El Din 


Spectacularity, aestheticism and decadence. Bullfights in a travel chronicle by José Ingenieros Cristina Beatriz Fernandez 

Political allegation and literary discourse in "Let's go with Pancho Villa!" and “They took the cannon” for Bachimba by Rafael F. Muñóz Jaime J. Martinez Martin 

Deviation and weakening in the narrative search of Silvina Ocampo  Judith Podlubne 

Many years later in front of the firing squad Agustin Segui 

The popular novel and “2666” (2004) by Roberto Bolaño Carmen Fragero Guerra 

Portrait of the author as a postmodern subject and autofictional writer in “Como me hize nun” by César Aira  Kristine Vanden Bergue 

Sixty years of the gay-themed Mexican tale Leon Guillermo Gutierrez 


The idea of ​​History in the "History of the Kingdom of Quito of South America" ​​by the Jesuit Juan de Velasco Francisca Barrera 

In spite of Morelli: 62 model "to assemble" by Julio Cortázar between figures and oneiric causality Giuliana Zeppegno 

Keys of existentialism in the novel En vida by Haroldo Conti Youssoup Coly 

Music, memory and identity in A quaver solo by Daniel Moyano Irene Noemi Lopez 

The impossibility of the origin: the process of historical reconstruction in "Hossein" (1955), by Ines Guzman Arias Mariana Libertad Suarez, Maria Beatriz Villa 

Intertextuality between the works "The violets are the flowers of desire" and "The hydrangeas" Natalia Morales 


Brescia, Pablo: “Models and practices in the Hispanic-American short story” Eduardo Becerra

Ferrus Anton, Beatriz. “Women and travel literature in the XNUMXth century: between Spain and the Americas.” Chiara Bolognese 

Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Milena (Edition, introduction, notes and bibliography). “Another secret Cuba. Anthology of Cuban poets of the XIX and XX (From Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda to Reina María Rodríguez. With a brief sample of later poets)” Ana Casado Fernandez 

Vilar, Juan B. “The Spain of exile. Spanish political emigrations in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries.”  Rios Sanchez Sponsorship 

Previous summaries in Dialnet.

See also magazine website.

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