Featured news of the week

“The daring to look” by Antonio Muñoz Molina


“There is a moment when the eyes suddenly open to art, just like the ears to music or a language that until then has been studied with the feeling of not advancing, or doing so very slowly. Pierre Francastel, Giulio Carlo Argan, Erwin Panofsky and E. Gombrich taught me to look at works of art with wide open eyes and to look for their links with the real world, trying to see in them what their contemporaries saw and understand the place they occupied in their lives and in their belief systems.”

Taken from The book house.

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The daring to look [Printed text] / Antonio Muñoz Molina. — 1st ed. — Barcelona: Circle of Readers: Gutenberg Galaxy, 2012.

200 pages ; 22cm

DLB 20541-2012. — ISBN 978-84-15472-32-2

PQ 6663.U4795 A64 2012

R. 201162669