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“The West Wing of the White House” television series created by Aaron Sorkin

eastwingofthewhitehouse“Democratic President Josiah Bartlet (Martin Sheen) leads one of the most powerful nations in the world with the devotion and conviction that he believes passionately that what he does is what is best for his country. The series takes place, fundamentally, in the corridors, offices and rooms of the White House, showing us the ins and outs of the feverish work that takes place there and the daily problems they have to face.

Taken from filmaffinity.

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The West Wing of the White House [DVD] : complete first season = The West wing / created by Aaron Sorkin. — [Sl] : Warner Home Video Española, 2004.

7 DVD: son., col.

Rob Lowe, Moira Kelly, Dule Hill. — United States, 1999-2000. — Languages: Spanish, English, Hungarian; Subtitles: Spanish, English, Hungarian, Portuguese, Greek, Finnish.

1. TV series – United States. I. Sorkin, Aaron (1961-). II. Lowe, Rob (1964-). III. Hill, Dule (1975-). IV. Kelly, Moira.

PN1992.8 .S41 W47 1999

R. 201162859