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“The power of reading: insights from the research” by Stephen D. Krashen

powerofreading“Continuing the case for free voluntary reading set out in the book's 1993 first edition, this new, updated, and much-looked-for second edition explores new research done on the topic in the last ten years as well as looking anew at some of the original research reviewed. Krashen also explores research surrounding the role of school and public libraries and the research indicating the necessity of a print-rich environment that provides light reading (comics, teen romances, magazines) as well as the best in literature to assist in educating children to read. with understanding and in second language acquisition.”

Taken from Amazon.

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(The) power of reading [Print] : insights from the research / Stephen D. Krashen. — 2nd. ed. — Westport, Conn.: Heinemann, 2004.

XI, 199 p. ; 24cm

Bibliography: p. 157-188.

ISBN-1 59158-169-9

Z1003 .K73 2004

R. 201162221