New number received from: Anuario de la Lingüística Hispánica (Volume XXVIII – 2012)

Summary of this issue:


* The development of “En el fondo” as a discursive marker. Mª Elena Azofra Sierra.

*The definition of the discursive particles “man” and “woman”. Antonio Briz.

*”Ma qué” and “otra que” two disqualification markers for River Plate Spanish. Maria Marta Garcia Negroni.

*Study of some protolinguistic aspects of Ukrainian learners of Spanish as L2. Nataliia Lukashenko and Teresa Solías Arís.

*Linguistic attitudes in Santiago de Chile: "pleasure" and geographical varieties of Spanish. Darius Rojas.

*The mitigating value of impersonality in oral trials. Cristina Villalba Ibanez.

*The historiographic work of Juan M. Lope Blanch (1927-2002). Emilio Ribruejo.


Previous summaries in Dialnet.


See also magazine website.

See available numbers in the International Institute Library.