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“Map drawn by a spy” by Guillermo Cabrera Infante

drawn map

“Among the unpublished texts left by Guillermo Cabrera Infante when he died, is Map drawn by a spy. It is a fictionalized autobiography in which the author narrates his return to Cuba a few years after the Revolution to attend the funeral of his mother. The book revolves around a rediscovered Cuba where the revolution has been impoverishing the population and frightening it in the face of political repression.”

Taken from The book house.

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Map drawn by a spy [Printed text] / Guillermo Cabrera Infante. — 1st ed. — Barcelona: Circle of Readers: Gutenberg Galaxy, 2013.

396 pages ; 21cm

ISBN 978-84-15472-76-6

PQ 7389.C233 M37 2013

R. 201165820