TESOL-SPAIN holds a mini-congress at the IIE

Madrid Feb 20 TESOL flyerThe next February 20 Friday TESOL-Spain will be with us once again to celebrate its already traditional “mini” congress as a preview of the annual national congress of TESOL-Spain, this year in Salamanca.

In this event of english teacher training, There will be presentations for primary, secondary, university and adult teachers. There are three sessions with different papers in each of them. And afterwards, there will be time to get to know each other and chat quietly over a few appetizers in the Institute's cafeteria.

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You can check the program here: Feb 20th prog revised

To register, contact: katemarriagetesolspain@gmail.com

From the Institute's English Program, we want to thank TESOL-Spain and Kate Marriage for having us once again.

We wait!