Summer Exam Preparation Courses – July 2016

  • Exam Preparation Course SAT – July 2016

The International Institute once again offers an opportunity for students applying for admission to North American universities: Exam Preparation courses SAT in July.

These courses are designed for students starting 1st or 2nd year of Baccalaureate, and who are thinking of applying for a place at a US university. Students must have an advanced level of English.

El SAT it is a mandatory requirement to apply for admission to most US universities.

Research shows that intensive exam training is the best way to prepare.

The next courses SAT of the International Institute offer students the opportunity to prepare for the SAT and understand the format of the exam: reading comprehension, mathematics and essay-writing, and do guided practice to help them increase their score. Students will take essay exams that will be scored in order to measure the progress of each of them.

(Official course guide included).

Dates Days Duration Schedule Price
June 28 - July 28 Tuesday and Thursday      20 hours  


17:00 - 19:00




  • TOEFL Exam Preparation Course

These courses (TOEFL-Skills for upper-intermediate level and TOEFL-Prep for advanced level) are designed to become familiar with the TOEFL test, learn strategies, and acquire the skills necessary to obtain a maximum score. Each section of the TOEFL is analyzed and there is extensive practice with various exercises and sample exams.

For more information on the structure, duration and content of the exam, you can consult the official website of the TOEFL exam:

Dates Days Duration Schedule Price
July 4 – 28



Monday to thursday




30 hours



11:00 - 13:00

18:00 - 20:00

20:00 - 22:00


Levels: Upper Intermediate (TOEFL Skills course) and Advanced (TOEFL Prep course)

  • Cambridge FCE & CAE Exams for Teenagers

This 45-hour course familiarizes students with the FCE and CAE exams and helps improve their exam-taking skills.

Each section of the exam is analyzed and fundamental strategies are shown to take it successfully.

Students will expand all language skills and will practice the exam under the same conditions as the real exams.

Students who have taken these courses previously have managed to raise their scores.

FCE: Recommended only for upper intermediate level students.

CAE: Recommended only for advanced level students.  

Dates Days Duration Schedule Price
July 4 – 28 Monday to thursday 45 hours  


10:15 - 13:15

