The arrival to Spain of feminist women and educators from Boston and the International Institute for Girls in Spain opened a new path for the education of Spanish women.

Meanwhile, a generation of women with solid academic and pedagogical training gathered in Madrid around the pedagogy of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza and the Institute-School.

The meeting between the two represented mutual enrichment, an exchange of experiences and educational methods. These women shared buildings, classes, projects and great wisdom in a Spain that was moving rapidly towards modernity and the incorporation of women into academic activity.

After the war in Spain and the closure of the institutions they directed, the tenacity of some in their internal exile allowed them to safeguard their ideals until democracy. The teaching of exiled educators in America managed to extend their educational ideals to new societies.

This cycle aims to analyze this exchange of ideas as well as make its protagonists known.

 Cycle Brochure


Tuesday, October 17, 19 p.m. | International Institute Headquarters

Towards a transatlantic network of feminist educators. Alice Gordon Gulick in Spain.

Carmen de la Guardia, UAM

Tuesday, October 24, 19 p.m. | FRMP Headquarters

Education and feminism. Towards the modern woman. Maria de Maeztu.

Isabel Pérez-Villanueva, UNED

Tuesday, November 7, 19 p.m. | International Institute Headquarters

Susan Huntington Vernon, a great friend from Spain.

Pilar Piñón, IIE

Tuesday, November 14, 19 p.m. | International Institute Headquarters

Maria Goyri. Regenerationism and pedagogy.

Jon Juaristi, FRMP

Tuesday, November 21, 19 p.m. | International Institute Headquarters

Jimena Menéndez-Pidal, safeguarding a liberal pedagogical tradition.

Elena Gallego, FRMP

Tuesday, November 28, 19 p.m. | FRMP Headquarters

Ángeles Campos. The pedagogical exile. From the Institute-School of Madrid to the Luis Vives Institute of Mexico.

Pilar Dominguez, ULPGC


The conferences will take place at the headquarters of the Ramon Menendez Pidal Foundation or at the International Institute.