“Midsummer” by Derek Walcott “Most of the poems in this sequence of fifty where written in close succession during one summer in Trinidad. Their principle themes are the relationship of poetry to painting, the stasis of midsummer in the tropics, and the pull of the sea, family and friendship. Walcott records the experience of middle
“Imperial eyes: travel writing and transculturation” by Mary Louise Pratt “This second edition of a highly acclaimed and interdisciplinary book which quickly established itself as a seminal text in its field investigates the way in which travel writing has constructed an image of the world beyond Europe for European readerships. Focus on writing about South
“The color purple” by Alice Walker “Tells the story of Celie, a Black woman in the South. Celie writes letters to God in which she tells about her life–her roles as daughter, wife, sister, and mother.” Extraído de library.csi.cuny.edu. Ver además: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Color_Purple http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/purple/context.html http://www.bookrags.com/notes/tcp/ Los títulos seleccionados son una muestra de los materiales de la
“From head to toe” by Eric Carle “¡Puedo hacerlo! es el mensaje alentador que transmite a los niños este divertido libro interactivo ilustrado. Una diversidad de animales conocidos, representados a través de collages Ilenos de color, invita a los pequeños a imitar sus travesuras moviendo la cabeza y las caderas, dando palmadas y golpes en
“Teorías sobre la cultura en la era posmoderna” por Marvin Harris “El célebre antropólogo Marvin Harris, que ha publicado obras tan famosas como Caníbales y reyes o vacas, cerdos guerras y brujas, sintetiza en este libro todo lo que se ha dicho en los últimos treinta años sobre el concepto de cultura, sobre la objetividad,
“El camino” por Miguel Delibes “”Tan excepcional como que una novela sobreviva medio siglo en España sin merma de su difusión, es que el autor haya conservado el manuscrito de la misma a través de diversos avatares…” “Analizando con detalle las viejas cuartillas advierto una cosa: la edición tipográfica de El camino no coincide exactamente
“Fantastic female filmmakers” by Suzanne Simon “Women have been writing, producing and directing movies since filmmaking began in the early 1900s. From taming wild dogs to filming from the open door of a plane to being nominated for an academy award, women directors have done amazing things in the world of film. Fantastic Female Filmmakers