«The impersonal sublime: Hugo, Baudelaire, Lautréamont» by Suzanne Guerlac “The question of the sublime, which links the idea of aesthetic force with rhetorical impact and moral law, has been an important topic in discussion of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century art and the shift between them. This book argues that the sublime is equally important in understanding
“Quevedo and the grotesque“ by James Iffland “Professor Iffland has written on a wide variety of topics related to the Spanish Golden Age, centering mainly on Cervantes and Quevedo. Work in progress in this area includes a book-length study of the social genesis of Don Quijote. A secondary field of interest is contemporary Central American
“The modern American novel” by Malcolm Bradbury “An updated study of American literary tradition traces the development of the American novel from James and Dreiser, through the works of Faulkner and Hemingway, to the emergence of Jewish- and African-American authors, and the work of avant-garde writers including Pynchon and Vonnegut.” Extraído de GoogleBooks. Ver además:
“Materiales del Quijote: la forja de un novelista” por José Montero Reguera “Estudia la literatura que Cervantes estaba escribiendo en las fechas inmediatamente anteriores a la gestación del primer «Quijote» para, a partir de ella, ayudar a comprender el proceso de amalgamamiento de materiales que condujeron no sólo a la creación del libro, sino, ulteriormente,