April 23rd is a symbolic date for world book day. Join us for a special storytelling time to celebrate the pleasure of reading! Recommended for children between the ages of 4 – 8.Two adults per child maximum. With Alito Rodgers as storyteller. Approx. 45 minutes. Participation is free. Seating is limited; entrance is open until
El miércoles 23 de abril, para celebrar el Día Internacional del Libro, desde la Biblioteca del Instituto Internacional organizaremos diferentes actividades dentro del programa de La Noche de los libros de la Comunidad de Madrid. En primer lugar entre las 10 y las 18 h. (previa cita) tendrá lugar una maratón de lectura bilingüe en
“Library Lion “ by Michelle Knudsen and illustrated by Kevin Hawkes “There’s a lion in the library and no one knows what to do. There are rules about shouting. And rules about running. But there aren’t any rules about lions!» Extraído de la contracubierta del ejemplar. Ver además: http://www.michelleknudsen.com/library_lion_77788.htm http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/lessonplan.jsp?id=952 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_Lion Los títulos recomendados están