Library storytelling morning activity for December
Come to the “tellebration” with us! Monthly Saturday morning meetings where kids can enjoy selected stories in English, with Amy Eckmeder as storyteller.
Participation is free. Register at biblioteca@iie.es
December storytelling around the book:
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” by Dr. Seuss
Saturday, December 20th 2008, 12 a.m.
Even though he died in 1991, Theodor Seuss Geisel is still the bestselling author of children’s books in the world. He’s also author one of the best Christmas books ever written. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! has been translated into dozens of languages, animated for television, and made into a big screen motion picture. The commercial success (and bastardization) of Seuss’s Scrooge-like villain-turned-hero is almost enough to make one feel…well, grinchy. «The Grinch hated Christmas and. The whole Christmas season. Now, please don’t ask why. No one quite knows the reason,» says Seuss; even readers who can immediately identify with the Grinch’s initial ill will are eventually won over by Seuss’s sweet-spirited Whos and their meaningful message. The only thing the book lacks is Boris Karloff’s expert narration; even without him, though, How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a timeless classic, well worth the out-loud reading it demands.
(Extract from: Powells.com)
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