For all students, the Common Application, required by most US universities is challenging.
This workshop, guided by an American college preparation professional, will teach students how to approach and complete the common app.
It will emphasize the essay—the most crucial part of the application. The essay gives applicants a chance to say something important about themselves that is not covered in transcripts, recommendations, or activity lists.
In this workshop students get started: what is a good topic? What topics should be avoided? How does one begin to write? Each student will leave the workshop with a draft of a viable common app essay and knowledge about how to approach the writing supplements, as well as confidence in their ability to complete the common app.
El Instituto Internacional realiza una prueba de nivel únicamente para los cursos de adultos. Si es usted nuevo alumno/a póngase por favor en contacto con la Secretaría Académica del Programa de Lengua y Cultura Norteamericanas.
NOTA IMPORTANTE: Los niños y jóvenes se incorporarán al grupo que corresponde a su curso escolar y NO realizan prueba de nivel.
Por favor, no deje de leer nuestra sección Matrícula y calendario académico donde encontrará información importante para nuestros alumnos.