Dear Fellow Yale Club Members and Friends you are cordially invited to a roundtable discussion of the
Panel Members
Charles Powell (moderator) – Director, Real Instituto Elcano
Cristina Manzano – Director, esglobal.org
Richard Boudreaux – Bureau Chief for Spain and Portugal, The Wall Street Journal
Felipe Sahagún – Professor, UCM and Journalist
on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 8:00pm
at the International Institute, c/ Miguel Ángel 8
The event is free, but a reservation is required.
Este evento se desarrollará en inglés enteramente sin traducción simultánea
RESERVATIONS, modifications or cancellations no later than Monday, October 24, by clicking the following link:
Only US citizens can vote in their presidential elections, but the outcome affects the rest of the world, ie, everybody. The disparity and uniqueness of the candidates, has everyone watching very closely the events leading up to these highly contested upcoming presidential elections.
We have four prominent scholars and/or journalists participating in the panel who share many years of following the United States and a keen interest in its politics. They will provide commentary from both the US and European perspectives on the approaching elections.
We are still in the midst of an economic recession and with nationalism on the rise everywhere, these elections are of the utmost importance regarding the near future of the United States and its relationship with other nations, whether friendly, neutral or otherwise. Nobody can afford to ignore the serious matters at stake, and that’s why the Yale Club of Spain invites you to participate in this discussion and enjoy hearing about the very imminent elections from varying points of view.
Because members of other Alumni Clubs are also being invited, there will be a large turnout for what promises to be a most interesting and timely event, continuing a tradition started in 2000. We would also like to thank the International Institute and its dedicated staff for making this event possible.