Young Learners 1, 2, 3 and 4 classes decorated Christmas cookies on the last day of classes. They were very creative in their designs, which they then got to eat! Los alumnos de las las clases 1, 2, 3 y 4 decoraron galletas para la navidad el último día de clase. Se mostraron muy creativos
Kids’ Club has done several activities to commemorate Thanksgiving this November. We prepared marshmallow Pilgrims’ hats and Native American tepees that children could take home and eat. Tepees were dwellings used by the Native Americans of the Great Plains, so the Pilgrims did not actually see them. The Native Americans where the Pilgrims arrived, the Wompanoag,
Once again, Young Learners and Kids’ Club students got involved in some American Halloween traditions. Some classes, like YL 3 on Tuesday and Saturday, and YL 5/6 on Wednesday, carved pumpkins. Kids’ Club and YL 3 and YL 4 made popcorn balls, a tasty treat that some Americans eat at Halloween and Christmas. Our popcorn
In May Alicia’s class learned about writing instructions, so they decided to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, an American favorite, to practice explaining a recipe. First they made the sandwiches while the children in Patti’s group watched so they could make sandwiches, too. Nora said, “This is the first time I’ve ever made my