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“The inmigrant” by Manju Kapur
“Nina is a thirty-year-old English lecturer in New Delhi, living with her widowed mother and struggling to make ends meet. Ananda has recently emigrated to Halifax, Canada; having spent his twenties painstakingly building his career, he searches for something to complete his new life. When Ananda’s sister proposes an arranged marriage between the two, Nina is uncertain: can she really give up her home and her country to build a new life with a husband she barely knows?”
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Kapur, Manju
The inmigrant / Manju Kapur. — London : Faber and Faber, 2009. — 331 p. ; 20 cm.
ISBN 978-0-571-24407-2
I. Título. II. Donaciones – Editorial Siruela.
PR 9499.3.K283 I56 2008
R. 98051