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“Tell, men, your story” by Alberto Savinio

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“Alberto Savinio presented in 1942 the first edition of Tell, men, your history, the most famous of his works, with the following words: “The lives of Miguel de Nostradamus, Eleuterio Venizelos, Felice Cavallotti, Paracelsus, Arnoldo Böcklin, Jules Verne , Vincenzo Gemito, Collodi, Antonio Stradivari, Guillermo Apollinaire, Giuseppe Verdi, Lorenzo Mabili, Cayetano Welcome the bullfighter and Isadora Duncan. Thirteen men and one woman, some more and others less immersed in the jelly of history. We have treated these characters like opera librettos, and our effort has consisted primarily of putting them to music. Hence, operas have been born here and operettas there, depending on the case.”

Taken from The central.

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Tell, men, your story / Alberto Savinio; Cesar Palma translation. — Madrid: Siruela, 1991.

359 pages ; 22cm — (Time books).

DL M 18.539-1991. — ISBN 84-7844-067-4

TC 161 .S2818 1991

R. 94301000