The 5 of the week of Mercedes Sicilia (Student of English course of the IIE)

Tuesday / “The picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde

dorian gray

Since its first publication in 1890, Oscar Wilde's only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, has remained the subject of critical controversy. Acclaimed by some as an instructive moral tale, it has been denounced by others for its implicit immorality. After having his portrait of him painted, Dorian Gray is captivated by his own beauty of him. Tempted by his world-weary friend of him, decadent friend Lord Henry Wotton, he wished to stay young forever and pledges his very soul of him to keep his good looks of him. As Dorian's slide into crime and cruelty progresses, he stays magically youthful, while his beautiful portrait of him changes, revealing the hideous corruption of moral decay.

Taken from Oxford University Press.

See also:

The recommended titles are in the Library of the International Institute. If you are interested in reading this recommendation, you can check its availability at IIE library catalog.

The picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde ; edited with an introduction and notes by Joseph Bristow. —Oxford: Oxford University Press, [2006]. — XLII, 248 p. ; 20cm — (Oxford World's Classics). ISBN 978-0-19-280729-8 / PR 5819 2006