Weekly selection of news about American culture in the Spanish press
* Review of the theories of the artist Joseph Kosuth in relation to the work of José Bedia.
Article by VICENTE JARQUE published in Babelia on 25/09/2010. Read complete.
* Review of the exhibition "Wall drawings and gouaches" by Sol Lewitt at the Juana de Aizpuru Gallery.
Article by ESTRELLA DE DIEGO published in Babelia on 25/09/2010. read full.
* Brief review on the publication of "The Anthologist" by Nicholson Baker after a reflection in relation to the works Molloy and Moby Dick.
Article by MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ RIVERO published in Babelia on 25/09/2010. read full.
* Review of the publication of "Imperial Suites" by Bret Easton Ellis.
Article by RAFAEL NARBONA published in El Cultural on 24/09/2010. Read complete.