Summary of this issue on the magazine's website. Previous summaries in Dialnet See numbers available in the library
Summary of this issue: ARTICLES -Aurora Egido, The Humanistic Dignity of WritingSantiago Francisco Peña, Tridentine Agencies in Philippine Salamanca. The Sánchez de las Brozas case, 1584-1600 -Jean-Pierre Tardieu, Du « Prêtre Jean » au Négus d'Abyssinie. Lavision espagnole de l'Éthiopie aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles -Ignacio Arellano, Song 162 in the Rhymes
Summary of this issue: ARTICLES *Aurora Egido, The humanistic dignity of writing. *Santiago Francisco Peña, Tridentine Agencies in Philippine Salamanca. The case of the Brozas, 1584-1600 *Jean-Pierre Tardieu, Du “Prêtre Jean” au Négus d´Abyssinie. La vision espagnole de l'Éthiopie aux XVI et XVII siècles. *Ignacio Arellano, Song 162 in the Rhymes of
Summary of this number: ARTICLES *Interactions of the song “Of knowledge of oneself”, attributed by Fray Luis de León, and three Latin poems by Benito Arias Montano. Antonio Dávila Pérez *The novel in the Literary Memorial (1784-1808). Towards the configuration of a critical model. María Jesús García Garrosa *For the last paths of the
Summary of this number: *Avant-propos *The diffusion of Spanish poetry printed in the 1675th century. Trevor J. Dadson *”We grant a license to print”: books and vicissitudes in the spread of poetry in New Spain (1710-XNUMX). Ángel Estévez Molinero *The Zaragoza edition in the mid-seventeenth century and the systematization of the poetry book. Pedro Ruiz Perez
Summary of this number: ARTICLES *Score and Stemma of La Celestina. Fidel Sebastian Mediavilla * Entre conversation et conversation: jeux et enjeux du dialogue dans le Viaje de Turkey. Jean Marc Pelorson *Between appropriation and homage: a song by Tejada Páez and an ode by Medrano. J. Ignacio Díez Fernández *Le barde et le bouffon.
Summary of this issue: LECTURES DES CLASSIQUES *La Lozana Andaluza: notes textuelle. Claude Allaige *From Circé to Ulysse: Lope de Vega's “gothique” shipwreck. Maria Aranda *Pour une autre reading of The pilgrim in his homeland by Lope de Vega. Phillippe Meunier *The specificity of the Gongora language. Anotnio Carreira *A poetry of dans interlocution
Summary of this issue: ARTICLES *The rhetorical representation of the Mexicas in the "Apologética Historia Sumaria". Marco Urdapilleta Muñoz *From the concept of decorum to the < >: considerations on the formation of a classic topic and its survival in Spanish literature of the Golden Age. David Mañero Lozano *”Political Economy” and “Commerce”